
Shipping Facts

Facts and key figures about shipping. Did you know that the average age of a ship sent to the scrap yard in about 25 years? And the average VLCC voyage lasts about 70 days, of which only 22 are laden days at sea.

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The least CO2-intensive mode of transportation

According to the Internal Energy Agency, transportation accounts for around 25% of energy-related CO2 emissions. Of all the main modes of transportation, shipping is by far the lowest emitter in terms of amounts of CO2 emitted per tonne of goods transported ...

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Growth and transformation through globalisation

Throughout history the oceans have been important to people around the world as a means of transportation. Unlike a few decades ago, however, ships are now carrying goods rather than people. Tankers, bulk carriers and container ships are today's most ...

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Switzerland, a maritime nation

A 2017 study run by Oxford Economics outlines the importance of the maritime transportation activity in Switzerland. This study also sheds light on the positive impact that the introduction of a tonnage tax would have for the country’s competitiveness and ...

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Different ships for different purposes

Specialization in the shipbuilding industry has brought massive changes to ocean shipping. As a result, special ships have increasingly been constructed for different types of freight. Specialisation helps speed up cargo handling, thus reducing the costs ....

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Giants of the seas

Ships are getting bigger, faster and more efficient. Modern ships are very different from those operating a century ago. A number of innovations have helped shape the ships of today and fuel the growth of maritime freight traffic. The most significant innovations have to do ....

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International Maritime Organisation

IMO – the International Maritime Organization – is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships. Shipping is a truly international industry, and it can only operate effectively if ...

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Shipping references

Reference points for aspiring commodity traders and students.

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SUISSENÉGOCE is a non-profit, non-political Swiss association representing companies active in commodity trading and shipping activities, trade finance and related services.

Rue de Chantepoulet 11
P.O. Box 1565
CH-1201 Geneva

+41 22 715 29 90
[email protected]