Ninety Percent of Everything: Inside Shipping, The Invisible Industry That Puts Clothes On Your Back, Gas in Your Car and Food On Your Plate, by Rose George
The Box, How the Shipping Cointainer Made The World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger,
by Marc Levinson
The Shipping Man, by Matthew Mcleery
Freighter Captain, by Max Harberger
Seized: A Sea Captain's Adventures battling Scoundrels and Pirates While Recovering Stolen
Ships on the World's Most Troubled Waters, by Max Hardberger
Maritime Economics, by Martin Stopford, 3rd edition
The Business of Shipping, by James Buckley Jr, 2008
Principles of Chartering, by Dr Phois M. Panayides, 2014
Tanker Operations: A Handbook for the Person-In-Charge, by Mark E. Huber, 5th edition
Shipping Derivatives and Risk Management, by A. Alizadeh
Shipping Strategy: Innovation for Success, by Pr Peter Lorange
The Shipbroker's Working Knowledge: Dry Cargo Chartering in practice, by George N. Tsoudis,
Maritime logistics: A Guide to Contemporary Shipping and Port Management, by Dong-Wook
Song and Phois Panaydies, 2nd edition
International Handbook of Shipping Finance: Theory and Practice, by Kavussanos, 2016
UNCTAD Review of Maritime Transport 2016
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