An association standing by its values

Our mission

As a national umbrella association, SUISSENÉGOCE’s mission is to provide an inclusive platform of exchange for all companies active in the commodity trading with the aim to support their activities, to represent its members' interests in Switzerland, to train young graduates and professionals, and to promote the understanding of the activity within the general public.

Our values


Contributing to more sustainable value-chains by driving best practices.


Promoting diversity within the industry and beyond.


Engaging with all stakeholders to shape the future of the industry.


Bringing together all commodity classes and all actors along the value-chain in Switzerland and beyond.


Promoting evidence-based knowledge and ensuring a constant pool of cutting edge talents.


Supporting transparent and reliable communications on the activity.

Annual Reports

SUISSENÉGOCE is a non-profit, non-political Swiss association representing companies active in commodity trading and shipping activities, trade finance and related services.

Rue de Chantepoulet 11
P.O. Box 1565
CH-1201 Geneva

+41 22 715 29 90