Atlas mondial des matières premières - Des ressources stratégiques, Bernadette Mérenne-Schoumaker, Autrement Collection Atlas-Monde, 2015
Commodities, Ports and Asian Maritime Trade Since 1750, Anthony Webster, Ulbe Bosma, Ulbe, Jaime de Melo, Palgrave Macmillan UK , 2015 (ISBN 978-1-349-55653-3)
Empire of Cotton, A Global history, Sven Beckert, Vintage Books, 2015 (exists in German andSpanish as well)
Die Fäden des globalen Marktes, Christof Dejung, Böhlau, Köln/Welmar/Berlin, 2013
The Multinational Traders, Geoffrey G Jones, Routledge, Reprint edition 2013 (978-0415862615)
The Dutch Trading Companies As Knowledge Networks, edited by Siegfried Huigen, Jan L. De Jongand Elmer Kolfin, 2010
Sugar, Steam and Steel: The Industrial Project in Colonial Java, 1830-1885, G. Roger Knight,University of Adelaide Press
Market Threads: How Cotton Farmers and Traders Create a Global Commodity, Koray Çalişkan, Princeton University Press, 2010 (ISBN: 9780691142418)
The International Cocoa Trade, Robin Dand, Wiley, (ISBN: 978-0-471-19055-4)
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